Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Swine Flu Pandemic - Fact or Fiction

By Dr. Joseph Mercola -

Urgent and vital information you need to know about the new swine flu threat.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Chiropractic Response to Stress - A Perfect Union!

Why Chiropractic Care is Perfect for Dealing with Stress!
It is Time to Set The Record Straight!

Everyone who comes into my office is complaining about stress. Stress accentuates tension in the body by simply increasing cortisol from the adrenal glands and that, in effect, will increase blood sugar, respiration and muscle tone resulting in increased pain in various parts of the body, headaches, muscle spasms and altered chemistry in the body. This culminates in you feeling on chemical overwhelm and “lousy”. There certainly has been enough literature that supports the brain’s impact on healing and physiology. When we feel alright, in balance, we tend to feel all is well with the world and sometimes even forget about any pains we previously had. Enter the home of Chiropractic Care!

The nervous system controls and coordinates physiology. This is not a point of view or belief system – this is scientific fact. All healthcare providers in their respective universities are taught that. The nervous system completely dominates and affects organ systems which affect our physiology – thyroid hormone, adrenal hormones, male and female hormones to name a few.

When we are under stress, the adaptation to that stress is the nervous system. Stress can be defined as physical (how we sit, sleep, work, previous car accidents, sports injuries), mental (how we think, our mood,) and chemical (food we eat, drink, air we breathe, meds, supplements we take). The goal of the nervous system is to mediate stress so that our physiology is adaptive and not reactive. When it is adaptive, we stay in balance with our health. When it is reactive, we usually, over time, will feel sick or “off” with our energy, healing, health status.

Chiropractic is not just about back and neck pain. It is about your life. Seriously. When spinal bones get out of alignment from daily tasks of sitting, sleeping, working , playing, previous injuries , and they are not addressed…over time this will take a toll and have a negative impact on your health. This is fact.

It is like going to the dentist and finding out you have a cavity. The cavity did not develop the night before the dental exam. It was growing, like cholesterol in your arteries…unnoticed. Most people would not just say “Thanks Doc for the info, I’ll keep that in mind. Have a good day!”. They would schedule a time to immediately take care of it, right? Dentists would drill your tooth to get rid of the cavity and a medical doctor would likely put you on a cholesterol lowering drug to deal with your high cholesterol.

The point is: even though you had absolutely no symptoms…that cavity, that cholesterol is.still having a deleterious impact on your teeth, on your body. If you ignore the cavity…you are a likely candidate for root canal – it is not a question of “if” but “when”. If you ignore the cholesterol warning, you are a likely candidate for a heart attack – we see it over and over again. So – what does this have to do with chiropractic care?

Even though misalignments in the spine usually have no symptoms – it is like the cavity example – ignore it and it will come to affect your health much more than you realize in time to come. The reason misalignments have no symptoms? It is because nerves allow you to feel. If you decrease ability to feel – you will likely feel less or nothing at all. Usually people come into my office when they feel too much – at this point the other end of the spectrum is operating – the nerve is not on a low dim, it is instead on high alert – irritation, pain, inflammation, obvious muscle spasm.

Going back, since the nervous system controls and coordinates physiology and chiropractic is the only health profession that deals with correcting misalignments to the spine and resultant insult to the nervous system and your physiology, chiropractors and the chiropractic field is uniquely positioned to deal with your stress from a “causative” angle. In my office, I use specific technology to locate and correct irritation to the nervous system caused by spinal misalignments. And guess what…I correct the spinal misalignments very safely – not by drilling them out and not by medicating them out. I don’t do any invasive treatments in my office and I usually get fantastic results. My patients love to get “adjusted” as there is an immediate feeling of well being that
re-establishes neurological tone to the body, equipping it with just the arsenal it needs to innately adapt to the stresses of life.

So, next time you feel stressed out…just know that stress is just the effect of what has already been occurring in your mind and body for days, weeks and years of being on neurological overload. If any of this makes sense, please do yourself a favor and check into chiropractic care to address your stress. When you get adjusted, your body releases hormones to balance your mind and your body. Most people notice wonderfully positive differences almost immediately with their stress and energy levels and also very impressively with better sleep, memory, concentration, quality of life. Your life will change and you will feel like a million! Oh and something else important to note: chiropractic has been around since 1895 – I think that shows staying power! It is interesting to me that other professions are finally picking up on the wisdom of our founders DD and BJ Palmer by noting that neurological tone can impact the status of health. This has been the tenet and philosophy of chiropractic from the beginning. You know what I love – how brilliantly chiropractic was so ahead of its time!

As Albert Einstein once stated: Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.